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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

week 38

38.4 weeks prego today. Full term! We're all waitin on you Betty! I'm ready to fit into cloths again, still shootin for the eleventh. I have been having some long braxton hicks contractions so I had my midwife check Betty's heart rate while I was having one and she tolerated it wonderfully  =) 

I still feel pretty good but I am really really looking forward to my time off of work with my sweet baby

I changed my mind about the crib by my bed. It made it too hard to get in and out and I wouldn't be able to reach her unless I was in bed. So it's against the opposite wall now. My awesome sister Misty made me this adorable purple quilt to match all our purple stuff.

and she got me this super cute bumper. Thanks Misty! 

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