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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Betty Harper is here!!!

The evening of November 26th around 6:00 pm I started having contractions anywhere from 2 to 7 minutes apart. My midwife checked me and I was still only dilated to a 2 so I wasn't getting too very excited yet. She told me to try and get some sleep. Haha! yeah right the contractions weren't giving up and felt way too unpleasant to sleep through. Around 9:00 I had to really start concentrating on what I learned in my hypno birthing class to get through the contractions so I decided this could possibly be the real deal! I headed over to my sister's house where I planned to have Betty and figured even if this doesn't happen tonight I can just sleep here and my midwives are closer. 16 hours later...

Welcome to the world my darling little daughter!

Here she is getting weighed. 7.4 pounds

20 1/2 inches long. Cute tiny bum!

Hi sweet heart! Rough day huh

First time with cloths on. Awe she's so puffy after all that work



Much less puffy a few days later

First bath

She liked the bath, but getting out wasn't as fun

Here she is today 13 days old

I love you Betty bug!

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