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Saturday, September 17, 2011

31 Weeks

Okay I finally picked out a crib. I think this one is adorable, and whadaya know, Walmart! 
I bought this car seat for baby Betty. It's great because I can put what ever color blanket I want instead of having to always do pink. I love pink but it's nice to have options :)
I'm doing our room gray and purplish plum. I found these cute gray polka dot sheets but they are only in the picture. When I actually try to buy them they don't have gray! arg!

This is me at 29 weeks. These pants are killin me! time to go shoppin!
and now at 31 weeks today
                             Yep I'm wearin' maternity pants this time :/


 I know you all want to know what my cute little house looks like. Well here it is...

HAHAHA JUST KIDDING! this is just my shed :) It's just so cute with the cosmo's I planted so I had to take a picture of it. Here is my tiny little yard

 It's big enough for a garden though
                                   I get fresh veggies for Betty and I every day! I love gardening!
Here is Betty's dresser. I found it super cheap and painted it this cute and gray. I used a stencil for the sides

 I know I'm kinda scatter brained so stuff is randomly thrown on here :) Here is my house for realsies

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