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Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New year!

Betty is five weeks old now and she just gets more fun and beautiful every day! I took her to the doctor a couple days ago to make sure she is doing alright and I had a couple of concerns. She has a rash on her head and face and also I was worried that she might have hip dysplasia. I was born with hip dysplasia and it is hereditary especially in girls and my midwife said it looked like she might possibly have it. The doctor says her hips look just fine! :) The rash on her head is because I am a little too overly cautious about her getting cold. It's from her getting too hot and sweaty. She liked being toasty! She is very healthy, she is over ten pounds now and 21 and 3/4 inches long

She makes little noises in her sleep all the time but sometimes they aren't so little and she startles herself and throws her hands in the air.

Chillin on the couch

Cute Christmas jammies

I love it so much when she falls asleep all cuddled up on my chest. She's bustin out of that little newborn jacket! I'm glad she's healthy and adorably chubby.

Pretty little dress from grandma Lisa

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Betty is 3! (weeks)

Betty is growing so fast! Her newborn clothes that drowned her when she was first born are getting tight already! Mostly length wise. She's getting tall :) 
Next size up is still a little baggy though.

Cute little body, Betty!

 She has such a strong little neck already!

I'm ready for my close-up

So I was getting worried that she didn't have any of me in her, but in some pictures I'm starting to see it a little bit

Here's me. Older than Betty in the picture above but there is a little bit of resemblance :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Betty Bug

It is awesome having my best friend and also my big sister be photographers. I get such cute pictures! These are the ones my friend Melissa took yesterday.

You are such a pretty baby, Betty!

These two are my favorite

Such a beauty!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Betty Harper is here!!!

The evening of November 26th around 6:00 pm I started having contractions anywhere from 2 to 7 minutes apart. My midwife checked me and I was still only dilated to a 2 so I wasn't getting too very excited yet. She told me to try and get some sleep. Haha! yeah right the contractions weren't giving up and felt way too unpleasant to sleep through. Around 9:00 I had to really start concentrating on what I learned in my hypno birthing class to get through the contractions so I decided this could possibly be the real deal! I headed over to my sister's house where I planned to have Betty and figured even if this doesn't happen tonight I can just sleep here and my midwives are closer. 16 hours later...

Welcome to the world my darling little daughter!

Here she is getting weighed. 7.4 pounds

20 1/2 inches long. Cute tiny bum!

Hi sweet heart! Rough day huh

First time with cloths on. Awe she's so puffy after all that work



Much less puffy a few days later

First bath

She liked the bath, but getting out wasn't as fun

Here she is today 13 days old

I love you Betty bug!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week 40!!!!

Today is my due date! I don't feel any more likely to have a baby though. According to she weighs 7 and 1/2  pounds and is about 22 inches long. If she waits much longer she won't fit into some of the newborn cloths I have for her! Everyone tells me the storm will put me into labor... not a big enough storm I guess. I am scheduled to start my maternity leave today so no more work for 10 weeks. I love it! The snow is sooo much more enjoyable and beautiful when I don't have to drive to work in it! And my house is so cute and cozy in the snow.

Baby Betty has been kind to my skin. 9 months pregnant- 0 Stretch marks =)

Everyone I know found some after their baby was born tho so I'm tryin not to get my hopes up just yet.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 39.3

I really hope Betty doesn't want to wait till thanksgiving to be born =/  I want to be filling my belly with a food baby by then and be holding my real baby. 
I've put on 30 pounds this pregnancy and today was the first time in a long time I got on the scale at my midwife's and had actually lost weight, a whopping  two pounds! haha! She says that's a good sign that Betty is ready to go pretty soon woo hoo! 

Mmmm I am so looking forward to having a waist again- Hopefully! So many more clothing options.

So cute!
Love this outfit and hairstyle

I want this so bad!

warm fall afternoon, love the belt :)

love the tied belt and striped skirt

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Well Betty wasn't ready to come out into the world on the eleventh. I guess she didn't want to share a birthday with me. I even ate a ton of Scalini's eggplant parmigiana. If you go to their restaurant they guarantee you'll go into labor within 48 hours of eating it and if you don't, you get a gift certificate to come back and try again. I just made it at home so I'll eat the leftovers =) Also it probably would have worked a lot better if I had it on my real due date. 
      I'm still having contractions every day but nothing consistent or very intense yet...