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Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New year!

Betty is five weeks old now and she just gets more fun and beautiful every day! I took her to the doctor a couple days ago to make sure she is doing alright and I had a couple of concerns. She has a rash on her head and face and also I was worried that she might have hip dysplasia. I was born with hip dysplasia and it is hereditary especially in girls and my midwife said it looked like she might possibly have it. The doctor says her hips look just fine! :) The rash on her head is because I am a little too overly cautious about her getting cold. It's from her getting too hot and sweaty. She liked being toasty! She is very healthy, she is over ten pounds now and 21 and 3/4 inches long

She makes little noises in her sleep all the time but sometimes they aren't so little and she startles herself and throws her hands in the air.

Chillin on the couch

Cute Christmas jammies

I love it so much when she falls asleep all cuddled up on my chest. She's bustin out of that little newborn jacket! I'm glad she's healthy and adorably chubby.

Pretty little dress from grandma Lisa